Tuesday, July 21, 2009

African Cichlids Fish

African Cichlids Fish are beautiful tropical freshwater fish that are very popular to fish enthusiast. They tend to be a fairly aggressive fish and do not do well with some types of fish from other regions. Most of the African Cichlids found in fish tanks today come from one of three rift lakes in Africa. Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, and Lake Victoria are the not the only lakes with cichlids, but these three tend to be the most popular.
My first apartment had six fish tanks with two of them holding fish from these lakes. I did not realize at the time that I was mixing fish from different regions of the world and I lost a number of fish to the aggressive African Cichlids. Some of the more popular varieties of fish from these lakes are the Oscar's an Jack Dempseys. My wife worked in a pet store at the time and knew of a woman who had an Oscar jump right out of the tank and bite her on the nose. Apparently she thought it was cute to lean over the tank holding feeder fish and watch the Oscar jump in the air. I bet she never did that again.
Over the years we sold off the tanks one by one until now we have no more fish tanks. I've been thinking of getting back into it again and started researching African Cichlids.

Here are some links for African Cichlids:
African Cichlids Fish
African Cichlids Description
African Cichlids Aquarium
Breeding African Cichlids


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