Both of my hands are raised. Been there, done that, ate it, bathed in it, washed clothes in it, rubbed it on my face, told my friends about it, stockpiled it, paid for it on credit, hated it, loved it, faked it hoping to make it, and on and on and on. I loved the idea of network marketing and absolutely hated the reality of it.
And then along comes Lia Sophia. My wife told me about a friend who just started in this business and she was interested in trying it out for herself. Being the supportive husband that I am, I nearly screamed "Are you out of your mind"?!? Well, actually I think I said, "Well, honey, if you think it is something you want to do. Just remember what it was like with Herbalife and Amway. Are you really sure about this". You know that way family has of acting supportive while really bringing out the negatives?
I did not want to have to completely change our lives around this new thing and lose our friends and family and lifestyle so that we could be working our butts off for something we really don't believe in. Besides she had a good job as a 5th grade schoolteacher and loved doing it. Although the pay was not great.
We came to an agreement
She will start this business on these conditions
- We want a return on initial investment in 30 days.
- Only invest money made from business.
- Cannot harass friends, family, neighbors, and church members about the business opportunity.
- Will not stockpile ANY product.
- Must be able to make money without recruiting other people.
- Business will NOT take away from family time.
That was over four years ago. Now for the TRUTH about how this changed our lives!
- She got back her initial investment within 2 weeks of starting the business. She has received a direct deposit check into our bank EVERY single week since then for over four years.
- We only use a small percentage from her profits to pay for overhead expenses. Over 75% of her pay is free and clear income.
- She has never approached friends, family, neighbors, or church members about this business opportunity. She does have people on her team from this group, but only because they came to her first.
- We have ZERO product on our shelves. The only product she has is for show display in a bag. She does not even have to deliver product to customers; it is all automated.
- She did this business for about one year before she started bringing in team members. You can make a great income without adding people to your team, although team members sales are an additional 10% commission and added bonuses from Lia Sophia. Plus her team has become close friends.
- Her business takes her away from home 2 nights a week from about 5pm-9pm. And she works about 1 hour every day around lunch time. She did stop teaching which took her away from family 7am-4pm every day of the week and some evenings. She spends a LOT MORE time with her family!
- She hasn't stopped so she must be having fun.
- This business has made her a more self-confident person. She is much more interesting to be around. (5th grade jokes get old). She has a much closer relationship with her children, because she has more time to spend with them. She is not too tired for her husband, (read into that whatever you want ;-).
Does it sound like I am bragging on my wife? Well, I am! I am very proud of her and wanted others to hear from a husband what it is like to be the spouse of a Lia Sophia Advisor.
Lia Sophia is an excellent opportunity for women who want to be more involved with their family.
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I am a lia sophia advisor and a teacher and I made just about those same resolutions when I started a year and a half ago. I do not let it interfere with my life. I will NOT EVER bug my friends and family to have shows. I don't cajole, trick or persuade people to have a show. I don't recruit and don't want to. No one has approached me to be recruited and if they did, I'd send them to another advisor on my team. I make a good amount of money just poking along with it the way I am. Sometimes I think I create a little mystery around it because I don't talk about it 24/7 and dont' beg people to have a show. I think some of my shows have been because people want to know why I'm not making a fuss. I too don't buy anything for the business unless money is there in the account. Those people who start the business with crazy goals and think they will have 10 shows a week need to look at goals and guidelines like this so that they have a realistic approach to the business. I'm glad someone else out there is doing just fine without losing friends to the pressure along the way!
Thanks Sparkling. You are right about the "cajole, trick, or persuade" comment. I think this is part of the reason why lia sophia has not received a bad rep like Amway. Amway is a decent product, but the high pressure tactics have turned it into a joke.
I hope that never happens with lia sophia; they have a lot going for them!
Good luck with your business!
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